Skoglosa, Sweden to Galeburg, Illinois Nels Swanson letter

April 12, 1873 Skoglosa, Sweden Letter to Nels Swanson (Svensson), Galesburg, Illinois [Swedish & English]

Nels, Karna and Augusta Swanson Family, Broby, Sweden, 1869

[Carte-de-viste of Nels, Karna and daughter Augusta Svensson (Swanson), taken at S & A Harteliuss in Broby, Sweden before they emigrated to America, circa 1869]

Reverse of Nels Swanson Family CDV, 1869


1873 Letter received in Galesburg, Illinois from Skoglosa, Sweden follows:

Draft English Translation:

Skoglösa, April 12, 1873

Dear Nils Svensson,

I hereby thank you for the letter and the shawl you sent some time ago. I should have replied to you long ago, but as I am currently living in the school in Genstorp and have also been busy managing the children's class, I have not had time until now to write to you.

First, I want to let you know that both Mother and your brother Jakob and his wife are in good health.

The other evening, I rode my horse—you know the one—out to your mother, who is married and has a daughter with his wife named Johanna, who is almost 2 years old. He is still married to a widow and has a son from her first marriage, who is about 8 years old. They have moved to the smith's house in Håstad and are living well.

Jons still owns the same property as before. The farm has had new stone walls built, and things are going quite well now. Your mother has also said that she is doing so well that she has never had it better.

Since the farmhouse she received from you was burned down, she asks you to send her another one the next time you write.

I have not been able to find out how your mother is doing. Do you know? Meanwhile, I have been waiting for them since they moved into their new home. It looks quite beautiful. The buildings have been erected next to the forested plain, which lay somewhat south of where they previously lived. So, they also now have some natural beauty around them. They really seem to be doing quite well, but home has become a good farm in Sweden. I guess your brother is managing well. The quality of the land has greatly improved compared to when he left here.

A good laborer does not easily earn 100 RB per day with free food. The tax on property (Mantalskatten) is between 180.50-200 RB when they support themselves. I heard some time ago that an estate in Westmanland was paid 220 RB per ton for the same. It was relocated at 115 RB but does not sell for less. The tax assessors are rather strict, except in Valdres, where they have around 4½ RB but also have a smelting hut for 5.

As for how much is needed for clothing, it is quite significant—I am sure of that. Also, regarding the lands, Lindrin and Lingga Nelson have passed away. In that town, someone else also died, and their estate was sent to the heirs, including Per. It was valued at 50,000 RB and used for the widow along with... [The last part seems a bit unclear due to damage/fading].

The train to Skåpafors is delayed due to unclear circumstances. Lange Nils has moved from his home, but no one knows where. They ask after Ola Persson, and I refer them to you at Mr. O.P. Carlsson, Moline, Illinois.

Regarding Hans Kristensson, Nils asks you to pass on his greetings. According to what you wrote, he should be happy about the offer they made, and they hope to have him settled soon.

Your mother said that Jonas is still living in the same place, but now he is older, and his health is not as strong as before.

As for me, I am doing well, as are my wife and children. Five of my children are still at home. Nils is in Denmark and Per is in Kristianstad. The youngest was born last year, and he has been named Otto.

I will now end this letter while time allows. Please write back. Greet your family from me and accept my best regards.

Velamund, unclear signature


Original Swedish Transcription draft:

Skoglösa den 12/4/73

Kära Nils Persson!

För brefvet och schalet för en tid sedan får jag härmed tacka dig. Jag skulle svarat dig förlängesedan men som jag för närvarande bor i Skolan i Genstorp och dessutom haft brådt med barnklass hantering, så tid ej hoppat, förr än nu hann jag skrifva till dig.

Först äre jag låta dig veta att såväl Mor som din Broder Jakob hand hustrun hafva en god hälsa.
Jag red härom afton hästen min du vet, ut till din Mor, som är gift och har med sin hustru en dotter som heter Johanna och är snart 2 år gammal. Hon som än är gift med var Enka och hafver en son med sin första man, som är omkring 8 år gammal. Hon är flyttat till smedhuset i Håstad och lefver sagolikt.

Jons har samma egendom som förut. Genefen har låtit uppföra nya floggmurar och göres nu det nu ganska bra. Din Mäder har ock sagt för sä be har det så bra att hon aldrig haft det bättre.

Emedan det Bonhuset som hon fick af dig, blef uppbränt, ber hon dig om att sända henne en samt igen då du skrifver nästa gång.

Fortsättning. För jag ej någon reda på huruvida din Mor allt har. Vet du mellan jag väntar hos dem sedan de flyttade in i sin nya boställe. Den ser aftals synas det vackert. Byggnaderna äro uppförda intill den skog bevuxna slätten, som låg något söder om där de förut voro. De hafva således äfven någon natur skönhet omkring sig. De hafva verkligen något må godt om goda för mig, men hem är en smula på blifvet en god gård i Sverige. Gissar jag att din bror och få det så. För boniteten har ju blifvit mycket förbättrad mot som var den reste härifrån.

En duktig arbetskarl gör ej gärna 100 RB om dagen och fri kost. Flytt för Mantalskatten betalas 180,50-200 RB då de födas sig sjelfva. Jag hörde för en tid sedan att en domän i Westmanland betalas 220 RB: ton för samma. Hon blef flytten 115 RB men reser ej under det. Taxeringsmännen äro tämligen stränga utom på Valdres de hafva bortåt 4½ RB men hafva en hytta tils för 5. Med huru som behöfves till kläder en myckenhet det är jag viss äfven detta ute att Landen, på Lindrins och Lingga Nelson äro döda. I den Staden var och död. Och hemmet dit tils förestående persons skeppas, son Per. Det kendes 50,000 RB och använt till Enka med som ...

[need to redo third page transcription]

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